Evaporative-Air Handler Coil Cleaning

This building was considered to have “Sick Building Syndrome” and the coil was a candidate for replacement. The coil is 6’ x 4’ x 1’ thick. The bacteria grew through the entire coil and down into the drain pain. We were able to solve their IAQ (Inner Air Quality) issue and save the coil.

A national AC contractor unsucessfully cleaned this unit two weeks prior to our deep cleaning. We were their last option, rather than replacing the coil.

All the debris visible in the drain pan was deep cleaned from the coils creating an efficient and money-saving opportunity for our client. We saved replacing a $30,000 coil.

Our unique, patented process provided the power to push the debris to the far side of the drain pan. There were two coils in the parking garage. The squeegee demonstrates the amount of debris in the drain pan.

The debris pictured, whcih we flushed out of their coils, was so voluminous that we boxed it for the review by management.


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Condenser and Evaporative Coil Cleaning

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