About Pro Coil

Who do you Trust?

Our Service

Professional Coil Cleaning, Inc., was established in 1997 to address the special requirements for cleaning commercial grade air conditioning coils and cooling towers.

Conventional coil cleaning systems can do more harm than good, packing debris more firmly into the coils, rather than removing it, even though the surface looks fine.

Our patented low-pressure, high-water-volume process deep cleans coils like nothing else can, going all the way through to places that can’t be seen from the surface – and, we get the job done in far less time.

It is our sincere desire to help our customers get more out of their businesses. We do this in several important ways:

  • Pro Coil’s patented service provides documented savings in utility costs by enabling your HVAC systems to run cleaner and more efficiently.
  • Regular cleaning extends the service life of your equipment, which reduces repair and capital costs for replacement.
  • Our patented system is self-contained in our trucks, so we operate without interrupting your business operations, and we leave your premises clean.

Our Employees

Although our process is unique, we know our greatest asset is our employees. We like to go above and beyond to help our employees because we know when we treat them with respect they treat our customers the same way.

We help employees set goals, then find ways to exceed them. As they succeed and improve their lives, they help others do the same.

We think their dedication to excellence is the main reason Professional Coil Cleaning has maintained a spotless safety record since out first day in business – 10 accident-free years of operation.


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PCC An Inteligent Choice

Condenser and Evaporative Coil Cleaning

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